Counseling & Wellness Centre

The RLKU/RLMC Counselling and Wellness Center (CWC) has been formed to meet the needs of RLKU/RLMC Community by integrating many facets of Counselling into a single home. Counseling and Wellness Centre (CWC) is an appreciated Initiative of RLKU/RLMC, CEO, Ms. Sabahat Khan that is an Ultimate Product of Untiring Passion and Enthusiasm of Prof. Dr. Nashi Khan who is also Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, RLKU/RLMC and HOD/Director of Rashid Latif Department of Professional Psychology (RLDPP). CWC launched first time “Online Students Counseling Services” on 1st of September, 2020 at the start of COVID -19 and since then, it is working efficiently for the Personal, Social and Academic Development for all RLKU/RLMC Students. You can find a full range of Wellness-Related Services, including Individual Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment and Testing, Anti-Drug, Anti Ragging and Anti -Harassment Consultations and other Wellness-Related Programming. CWC follows Privacy and Confidentiality Guidelines set forth by American Psychological Association (APA) and Pakistan Association for Clinical Psychologist (PACP). Some limits to Privacy will exist, with few exception involving Safety and Legal Issues.

Mission Statement

“Providing the Entire RLKU/RLMC Student Community with the Psychological Skills to Deal with their Educational, Familial, Emotional and Psychological Issues”

General Issues Faced by Students

The CWC is committed to create a Welcoming and Affirming Space where all Members of the Community are valued. It give Individuals the opportunity to Confidentially Talk through Problems or Situations with a Trained Professional. It does not necessarily make Problems disappear, but it equips Individuals with the Tools needed to cope with them more appropriately. You can approach to the Counselling and Wellness Center for many reasons:
  • Adjustment Issues

  • Relationship Difficulties and Challenges

  • Family Problems

  • Academic Stress

  • Depression, Hopelessness and Suicidal Thoughts

  • Anxiety or Panic

  • Conflict Management

  • Problem Solving

  • Decision Making

  • Self-Harm Behavior

  • Life and Career Counselling

  • Eating and Body Image Concerns

  • Trauma Reactions

  • Coping with Disability and Differences