Rashid Latif Khan University

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National Webinar on “ Why Research is Important?”

Rashid Latif Dept. Of Professional Psychology (RLDPP), RLKU Organised a National Webinar on “ Why Research is Important?”. Resource Person was Prof. Dr. Shabbir Rana, a very well renowned Researcher & Academician with his PhD & Post Doc from UK & USA. Prof. Dr. Shabbir is currently working as Director at Psychology Department at IAC, Lahore. Prof. Dr. Shabbir is author of 3 International Books and over 200 International Research Publications. RLDPP Students were enriched by his talk on importance of Research in Psychology & Otherwise.
This Webinar was also part of Mental Health Month May 24.
Prof. Dr. Nashi Khan, RLDPP Team & Ms Mahrukh Mumtaz were instrumental in making this Webinar successful.