Rashid Latif Khan University

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Rashid Latif Khan University (RLKU)


Rashid Latif Khan University’s roots can be traced back to the foundation of The Rashid Latif Medical College in 2010. After its successful establishment in 2010, now Rashid Latif Khan University is being launched as an autonomous entity that aims to provide hands-on, high-quality training by combining the experience of several disciplines. Now RLKU is among the Top universities in Lahore. The student body at RLKU thrives on the atmosphere our faculty offers, and the mentor and mentee-relationship allows students to not only groom themselves professionally via observation but also to benefit from their professors' expertise. Our long history, combined with cutting-edge technology and development in various fields, has enabled our doctors to achieve global recognition for academic quality and clinical skills. One of our primary objectives is to Enroll and support the most talented and diverse trainees as they pursue their interests in the competitive and demanding worlds of health, management, and social sciences.


Notice Board

Evolution of RLKU

Following years of success in medical education, the next step was to construct a university that catered to fields other than medical education. This was the inspiration behind the formation of RLKU. Recognized as one of the top universities in Lahore, RLKU provides both Allied health and non-medical degrees such as Social Sciences, Computer Science and Arts and Humanities. With the knowledge obtained through teaching medical and allied health students over the years, RLKU has the infrastructure and culture to become a top-tier university. The institution has vast playgrounds, a large auditorium, clubs, and various ancillary services and units such as Printing Press, Simulation laboratories, Dissection halls, Entrepreneurship Cells, Cafeterias and Canteens, and so on. RLKU is currently a fully Chartered Institute formed by a Legislative Act of the Punjab Assembly (Punjab Act No. XXXVII of 2021) and is approved and recognized as a degree-issuing institution by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan .

Hameed Latif Hospital
Rashid Latif Medical Complex
Arif Memorial Hospital
RLKU Medical & Dental College


Achieving Professional & Academic Excellence through Innovation leading to a Positive Impact on Society.


To create a Community of Life Long Learners Responsible and humane Global Citizens Champions of collective Success.

featured project



Prof. Dr. Rashid Latif Khan
Vice Chancellor


MS. Sabahat Khan

Events 2023-2024


Department of Media and Communication Studies (MCS), Rashid Latif Khan University (RLKU) organized an industrial visit for BS Media students to Express News.





