It is the mission of the Rashid Latif Khan University Library to render the educational resources needed to meet the academic and research need of the University. The Library is the midway for learning materials and it serves as an important teaching agency by providing bibliographic instructions. Formal and informal proposal are given in the use of the Library to students through the orientation classes as well as bibliographic instruction as requested. The programs and services of the Library are geared toward implementing the mission of the University with the specific goals & objectives of meeting the educational needs of the University.Aim and Objectives
The collection development (Acquisition) policy of University at RLKU Library is a means to implementing the purpose of the University’s general program, and to clarify for the librarian and academic community the procedures used for collection development and evaluation.
Library Objectives
To develop collections of materials that support, foster, enrich and satisfy the curricula and research needs of RLK University. To encourage use of the library and its facilities by the academic community. To aid and instruct Library patrons and staff in the use of the library and to provide bibliographic guide To investigate the changing educational needs of the community and to provide access to information, programs and services. To provide reference and research services by a variety of means, including printed materials and (non print) electronic resources. To provide a wide variety of mediated programs. A portion of the Library’s budget is allocated to each academic area in order to provide a selective input into the Library’s holdings. However, the final authority for selection rests with the Chief Librarian and those who are delegated such authority.
Material Selection Criteria
RLKU Library has adopted the following criteria for materials selection. Materials shall meet high standards of quality in factual content, timelessness and presentation. Materials shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the emotional development, ability level, and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected. Materials that are recommended by faculty members to support specific course work. Materials are selected by using selection tools, recommendations from administrators, faculty, staff and students.
Non-Book Materials
Audio-visual materials, such as recordings, slides, microfilms, films, CD’s, video cassettes and DVD’s are considered as primary materials. When acquired for the permanent collection, selection criteria are consistent with the criteria used in selecting books.
Interlibrary Loans
Through mutual agreements with campus libraries, we are able to borrow books and materials.
Policies for using OPAC
OPAC (on-line public access catalog) is available to all members of our academic community. You must be a currently enrolled student or faculty/staff member to have access to the OPAC off campus. This service is available 24 hours through the University website @ www.rlku.edu.pk
Locating Material Through OPAC
Click on the RLKU Library & click on KOHA search bar and begin entering your search.
Circulation Department
Circulation Procedures for Checking out a Book for the Overall Library Present RLKU student ID card each time you check out library materials. Books from the regular collection are checked out for a period of one week and may be renewed. If the book you wish is not in, you may ask to be notified when it is available. A fine of Rs.10 per day (excluding Sundays and holidays) is charged for each overdue book. Students are required to pay the cost of lost books with 500 fine. You are held responsible for any book checked out on your card. In case of loss or not able to produce the library card at the time of degree clearance Rs.200/- will be charged.
Other Policies
Each student is responsible for main maintenance of his/her area. Students are not allowed to SMOKE, DRINK, or EAT in the Library premises. “Library Decorum” should be stressed at all times. You cannot expect other students to maintain a QUIET atmosphere unless you do so yourself. Assist any students when they need help. Student should keep in mind that you are under the supervision of all professional staff members, and they are to be given proper respect at all times. Procedures for Checking out Reserve Books All library materials loaned to borrowers are dated for 3 days reserved or 1 day (reserved) from date of issues. Borrowers should request the required material, and leave library cards when using reserved materials. “Overdue notices” should be sent after fortnight. Borrower presents own identification card with selected library materials at Circulation Desk and magazines from the Reference Desk. For each reserve book requested, have the student check the reserve file box on the charge desk and give you the author, title, and instructor’s name.
Barcode reader
The barcode reader is used to check-out receipts. Receipts are printing by selecting the “print key” on the computer after scanning the student’s ID and the book’s barcode. Place receipt in pocket of book.
Return Book Procedures
Borrower should deposit all books in the outside or inside book return. Each book should be checked for date due and for condition. Books not overdue may be checked in and placed on the desk to be re shelved. Library fines are Rs.10 per day.
Books may be renewed for two more weeks if they are not recent public publications or in great demand. Books may be renewed only twice.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phone usage is prohibited in the library. Library patrons should make all calls from the front porch area of the library. When receiving an incoming call, patrons should moved to the porch area to take the call.
Reference Department Policies
Reference materials, books, periodicals, pamphlets, newspapers and any other materials labeled reference are non-circulating. Reference books in the Restricted Reference shelve cannot be removed from except to be taken to the copy machine. This has to be done with permission from the librarian. Reference books and materials can be removed from the shelves and placed on reserve by an instructor for a limited time (one semester), but if needed by other patrons, they may be used.
Interlibrary Loans These reference materials may be copied from and sent to other libraries. Circulating books are loaned through this system.
Rules and Regulation
Leave your personal belongings (bags, briefcases, handbags etc.) in lockers at the library
Take care of your belongings as library disclaims any responsibility for loss or damage.
Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all times.
Use of cell phone is prohibited in the library.
To make the library environment more conducive for reading and research, gossiping, cell
phone calls, sleeping, eating, drinking, smoking, chatting, and disturbing the order of library
furniture is strictly prohibited.
Journals and serials should not be issued to anyone.
Reference books will not be issued to anyone.
Professor, associate and assistant professor can borrow book for a period of one month,
demonstrator for fifteen days and students for a period fort night. There will be fine of 10 rupees
per day for extra days.
A maximum of 5 books for Dean , Faculty , fifteen books for researchers and two books for
students and demonstrators will be issued at one time
Any repairable damage to the issued books will be liable to expense of the borrower. Any
irreparable damage. Loss, replacement of book/s will be required from the borrower.
Underlining, marking, folding and tearing pages of library materials is prohibited.
Leave the library materials on tables after consulting the reference books.
Library membership card is compulsory for all admitted students